Providing activities and services to cater for the needs of the young Afghans in the UK and abroad.
We meet on a weekly basis at the Afghan Library and Peace Centre and have a range of activities, including learning to read and write in Dari and Arabic, discuss and debate current issues and participate in confidence building activities. We also have opportunities for you to to get mentoring and become young champions in your fields of interest and study.
If you are interested to participate and get further information, please contact us.
سلام خدمت شما و همه همکاران محترم شما. واقعا به همه اطفال بسیار خوش گذشت. تشکر از شما که زحمت کشیده بودید. باز هم ممنون از کارهای خوب اجتماعی افغان اکادمی. مرضیه جان
I enjoyed the program held as I was able to learn more about my culture in more depth. I enjoyed hearing the stories. I was able to do some drawing and painting with my younger siblings. I had a great time at the program. Thank you to Afghan Academy International for organising this. Zohra
تشکر از پروگرام بسیار خوب ودلچسپ تان. راستی اولادها بسیار وقت شان خوب و خوش گذشت. باز هم بسیار زیاد تشکر. واقعاً زحمت زیاد کشیده بودید. سدیه جان
I really liked the program held by the Afghan Academy. It was great because I learnt a lot more things about my home country. Also there were many fun activities like contests and stories which were both very fun. Thanks a lot. Daoud